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Motivator Indonesia

Koleksi ucapan/sms Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
This New Year, wish all the joy and happiness in the World!

Wish that the New Year brings joy, beautiful moments and surprises to cherish forever.

Wish happiness, good cheer and sweet surprises on New Year.

Wish a happy New Year filled with all that is beautiful!

Wish that New Year 2011 brings everlasting glow of happiness, merriment and good fortune.

Wish a New Year filled with peace, prosperity and happiness.

Wish that the happiness, warmth and good tidings that the New Year brings, stay on and on!

Wish for your friends, family and loved ones that they will reach for the stars in 2011.

Wish friends, family and loved ones happiness and joy with stars galore.

Wish a bright New Year for your friends, family and loved ones.

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Posted: 31 December 2010 11:587887 Reads - Print
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