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Untuk mengundang Motivator Top Indonesia di Perusahaan / Organisasi Anda bisa kunjungi website dibawah ini:

Motivator Indonesia

I Love You, Honey
I Love You, Honey

They have been married for a long time. As usual they have their ups and
downs. One day they had a big fight over his long working hours and
things are falling apart. He was disappointed and she was angry.

After one week of silence treatment from her wife, he approached her
with papers and pencils. He suggested that both of them sit down on the
dining table and write down on paper what they are not happy about each
other. They will then exchange the papers and discuss.

So the wife started to write without looking up because she has a lot to
write about her frustration. The husband took a long look at the wife
and he too started to write. After fifteen minutes of writing, they look
at each other and exchange the papers.

The husband looked at the paper full of complaints. She was angry. When
the wife looked at his paper, she was embarrassed and quickly tears away
her own paper. On his paper, he wrote for two full pages:
"I love you, honey"

May you always feel loved.

Have a positive day!

Salam Inspirasi,

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Posted: 26 September 2009 00:009150 Reads - Print
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